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21st Century Eugenics

Kathie Snow considers the book War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race by Edwin Black as an eye opening window into eugenics of the past and future. Snow suggests it is prophetic, evidenced by President Bush signing the Combating Autism Act in late 2006 and the recommendations that followed in 2007 offering all women regardless of age, screening for down syndrome. Whilst under the guise of “cure and prevention” these acts and recommendations are, Snow describes, an effort to eliminate people with autism and Down Syndrome. No thought has been given to those individuals with autism or Down Syndrome and whether they believe they need to be “cured”. Could these actions be the tip of the iceberg? Who will be next – people who require glasses?

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Resourcing Inclusive Communities

Resourcing Inclusive Communities (RIC) is an initiative of Family Advocacy that provides information and resources to help people with disabilities live meaningful lives as valued community members. Inclusive communities thrive on diversity and active participation from all.

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